– Ein del av Hardanger og Voss museum

– A part of Hardanger and Voss museum

Courses and activities

for schools

The Cultural Rucksack

(cultural activities for schools)

Our programme is varied and suitable for a range of year grades.
Craftsmen and women and instructors at Hardanger Maritime Centre guide the pupils, who get an opportunity to take part in traditional activities linked to maritime subjects. Each activity takes around two to three school periods.
Hardanger Maritime Centre cooperates with the primary and lower secondary school in Kvam, and organises activities under the Cultural Rucksack scheme. The activities at the centre are free of charge to the pupils, and the parish covers transport expenses.

Second grade: Working with wood

Activity-based teaching in the small boat workshop. The pupils get an insight into boat building, and get a chance to try the tools used in boat building.
All of the pupils get to whittle a boat from a piece of wood, and then put sails on them.

Sixth grade: Learning to row

The pupils learn to row, either in a four-oared boat (færing) or they are challenged to row in time in an eight-oared boat (åttæring).
We see rowing from a wide historical perspective by watching the presentation ‘When the sea was the road’. The pupils are told what the different parts of the boat are called and what they were used for.

Eighth grade: Making linden bast rope

The pupils make linden bast rope and learn about the history of ropemaking and the materials traditionally used in rope production. Ropemaking and the history of the craft are closely related to the development of shipbuilding.

We can also organise these activities for other schools and groups that visit the centre. The Cultural Rucksack forms the basis for the activities we offer to other groups, students, firms or seniors.

Contact Inger Marie Hernes if you have any questions, at (+47) 957 65 901.

E-mail: inger.marie.hernes@hvm.museum.no